Title: Bollywood Actress Tulip Joshi Pictures
Author: Jj
Rating 5 of 5
Tulip Joshi WallpapersTulip Joshi is an Indian actress in Bollywood Movies. Tulip was born on 11 September 1979 in Mumbai, she completed her...
Tulip Joshi WallpapersTulip Joshi is an Indian actress in Bollywood Movies. Tulip was born on 11 September 1979 in Mumbai, she completed her schooling and college studies there itself. She entered the Femina Miss India in 2000, though she didn't make it to the list of winners but many advertising agencies noticed her and then she appeared in many advertising campaigns for big brands. Tulip debuted in Bollywood through the movie Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai, the flick was quite a success. She appeared in a Telugu film Villain. In 2009, She acted in her first Punjabi film Jag Jeondeyan De Mele.